segunda-feira, 15 de agosto de 2016

Henry Louis Mencken - Public Education reduces everyone to the same level

Henry  Louis Mencken  Was  a  writer and  journalist who had   famous  phrases  about  dumb  things ppl  believe  as  public  education  and  democracy. Acording  to  him democracy  is  the  art  of  manager  the circus  from  the  monkey  jail. To understand better this   phrase  perhaps  would  be good  to  read the  book  from  Alexis Toquevile  on Democracy.  Democracy is  too far  from  being  a  good  thing as  tvs  want  to  show   us. If most  of  people  decided   babies  should  die  even  with 8 months  this  is  called  democracy...the  major  decided...if  most  ppl  decided  any  idea  without  any  sense  of reason thats  is called  democracy...just  check  out  what  the kind  of things democrats  fights  for  in  all  parts   of the  world.

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